Meemoo: a vision for the future, and the past

Meemoo is a non-profit organisation that, with help from the Flemish Government, is committed to supporting the digital archive operations of cultural, media and government organisations. Together with our partners, we bring the past back to life and prepare it for the future. We safeguard their archive content digitally, and make it accessible and usable.

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Why is this so important for us?

To understand the world today, you need some context. This is why current and future generations need to be able to refer back to the past. This past, captured in archive content, can form the basis for inspiration, insight and creation.

We’re working passionately to achieve this. Backed up by the necessary expertise, we’re constantly developing sustainable solutions together with our network, always with a view to the future. And we’re open and clear about what we do and how we approach things. Among other things, for example, you can read summaries of our annual reports, learn about our history and explore the results of our projects in detail.

Want to find out how we interpret this vision on a daily basis?

Read all about what we do here.

Our management agreement with the Flemish Government means we can dedicate ourselves to Flanders’ rich archive content every day. Meemoo receives five-yearly funding in this framework, always with a specific long-term strategic plan. You can read the summary for the 2019-2023 period here.

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